“Don’t let the fear of discomfort be the thing that holds you back. Make friends with the Pain Cave, become familiar with yourself in there.”
My work as a business owner, triathlete and rowing coach comes from decades training as a competitive athlete. Most of what I have accomplished in my life comes from hours invested with life-changing coaches and with teammates who showed up, did the hard work, and who pushed or pulled me to my highest levels of performance.
Today, I spend more time rowing on a machine than on the water. And rather than a racecourse or finish line, I prefer surfing, running and biking to meet my own personal goals. But whether you’re competitive or recreational in your mission, I believe that the mind of an athlete can be cultivated by anyone. Age, ability and experience inform the level and pace – but everyone can think like, perform like, and live like an athlete – with the right mindset.
What we can accomplish together, whether between two people or twenty, is almost always greater that what we do alone. I build teams in every aspect of my life – at work, in my businesses and even within my family. I attribute most of my success not to my personal skillset, but to the team who helped me get there. Choosing “teammates” at work, in competition or in life keeps us supported, accountable and committed. I highly recommend building or joining a team if you have a personal fitness or wellness goal. Your chances of keeping your promise to yourself increases exponentially with teammates.
(Dis)Comfort Zones.
Part of what drives me is identifying my own limitations and working toward surpassing them. When we know our own thresholds, and incrementally push our comfort zones, we expand our capacity – physically, mentally and emotionally. The challenge in my own life has been to find that space between limit and injury, and between uncomfortable versus dangerous. This is an essential sweet spot, and even today, I have to bring concious attention to when I’m pushing too hard and when I need recovery and rest days. Sleep, breathwork, myofascial release, hydration and plant-based nutrition are all of my support systems.
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My own routines and practices may not be right for everyone, but I strongly believe that everyone has a responsibility to find one that is right for them – and commit. Consistency creates good habits, and the good habits of yesterday create the life you have today. Your health is in your hands, starting right now.